How to maximise space in your facility

Just like the button on your jeans post Christmas, developments often feel the squeeze when it comes to space availability for bike parking and wellness facilities. Sadly, there is no “building diet” to free up space for much-needed bike parking but there are some clever ways to optimise and maximise your facility space without compromising on quality or usability.

In a recent survey conducted by Five At Heart in London, 60% of respondents identified ‘not enough space to deliver planning/certification requirements’ and 51.4% said ‘not enough space to deliver facilities to provide for current tenant demand’ as the main pinch points. Clearly space is a concern, which is why at Five At Heart we like to think about space differently and help our clients optimise and maximise their available space. Here are our top tips:

Dual-purpose products

Bicycle parking has come a long way since the simple (yet still very effective) Hoop was created. Many bike parking products have dual purposes. Take our Timber Fencing as an example. Designers may view this product purely as a way of creating a secure enclosure but if you attach The Cradle to one side, you could save a lot of space and increase your bike parking numbers.

Changeable products

A space may need to change for a number of reasons, like an increase in demand, seasonal use or change in tenant demographic. This is why it is important to plan ahead for this by using changeable products. A great example of a changeable product is the Wishbone, which can be easily removed and replaced with a wellness space or to make room for double-tier parking to accommodate more bikes.

Check out this video to find out more about the Wishbone.

Gender-neutral facilities

Having segregated male and female change room facilities is the conventional choice. However, where space is an issue, considering gender-neutral facilities can help save space and meet shifts in gender demand, while still achieving high-quality fittings.

Phased approach

Where requirements and utilisation vary, implementing a phased approach to your facility can be a great solution.

For example, in London, cycling to work is currently at 3% (mode share) yet the ambition is to achieve 20% by 2041 (draft London Plan). Even though the mode share now still is at 3%, a future-proof bike room requires to be designed based on the 20% mode share. This can be a challenge space-wise. In this case, we recommend phasing your design planning.

The initial design would, for example, meet the current demand and use the remaining space which you need for future demand for other purposes such as short term tenant storage. As you phase up, you can redesign that extra space with additional bike parking and other amenities such as showers and lockers.

Cycle hubs

Think about your space differently! By creating a (public) cycle hub, for example, you could service not only your building but also other buildings, customers and even the local community while generating additional revenue and ensuring optimal utilisation.

If you are tight on space, perhaps you could benefit from access to a hub style facility near your building.

Use a variety of bike parking

Utilising different types of bike parking can save space while still achieving optimal parking spaces. Smart design is key whether that be including products like The Silver Bullet which cleverly utilises inner space or using double-tier parking which offers the most efficient use of a space-based on parking numbers.

Check out this blog to find out more.

For more information about how Five At Heart can assist you in achieving the optimal facility for your building, contact us to arrange a consultation.

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